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Planet Muscle

Planet Muscle Magazine is a unique, interesting, historical, entertaining, jocular, cutting edge and up-to-date, with useful, practical and honest information. I hope you like my approach and will support me! After all, it's your planet and your muscle!


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Wednesday, September 30, 2009



Q. About Marty Gallaher’s steroid editorial in your last issue, while Arnold may or may not be ignoring that bodybuilders in his event may be using steroids, either way, your reply tap-danced through Marty’s questions. Besides that, your magazine has too much anatomy detail unless readers are medical students. I am a school teacher and should not need to carry "Gray's Anatomy" just to understand your magazine.

Your ego is bigger than your biceps ever were. You write dumb things. In your last issue, you also wrote that Rich Gaspari changed bodybuilding forever. Ronnie Coleman’s left thigh has more muscle that Gaspari's entire body does. I think your magazine has women who look like Tijuana hookers. Sports Illustrated has slimmer, more fit models.

A. Marty Gallagher and I tap dance together (usually after midnight on Tuesday). Gray’s Anatomy is a 'heavy' book and perhaps if you read it, you wouldn’t have to ‘play with yourself’ to build up your forearms. I do highlight anatomical details as I’m compelled to make up for years of the other muscle magazines treating readers as idiots. If bodybuilders are going to list on their resume that they are experts on body training and nutrition, they should know what the four quadriceps muscles are, and, at least, know the base structure of a fat, protein and carbohydrate.

With the Gaspari article, you missed the point. There's no one who has more muscle in their entire body than Ronnie Coleman does in his left thigh! Hookers from Tijuana know the correct thing to put in their mouths. (I mean nutrients, of course). I fear that many of the SI models may stick their fingers in their mouths to stay slim.

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