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Saturday, March 31, 2007



Several companies are talking about optimizing hormones levels for harder and leaner muscle, faster. These subjects are a recurring theme in Dr. Serrano’s Planet Muscle articles. I read PM close, and I know that, and know that you very careful and only really promote L-Glutamine, BCCA, micellar casein some creatine and mixed whey. So, what’s your take on the “Optimizing” hormone approach? Is there one product that may be relatively inexpensive that helps this and why? (Thanks in advance).

Yes there is, in fact. It’s capsule delivery, and the company takes a medically-supported approach like AAEFX, Gaspari, iSatori and SST (Serrano writings) often does. This company is called Neogenix and it’s for OTC use and called Supremacy.

Some background -- When Dr. Barry Sears started talking about eating in the “glucose Zone” and noted chronic & acute effects of foods with high glycemic indexes, on glucose and it’s effect on insulin, and that resultant effect on both storage of body fat and muscle levels, science largely
responded with guffaws. But, they know better now.

MD’s use estrogen receptor-blocking and production inhibition to fight breast and other cancers. Estrogen and its analogs are directly proportional to body fat.

Men lifting heavy and not getting far, do better when they go on 200-300 mg. of testosterone every 14-21 days, even when they have normal levels of T. They gain lean muscle fast, gain energy and report being happier and hornier. Hormones (even) in the range of normality have great effect on health, muscle and fat.

If one keeps estrogen and cortisol and their analogs low (in check) and T-levels maximized, it’s easier to gain lean mass. Bodybuilders know this to be true and it is a premise of intense exercise and the central tenet of anabolic steroids.

The few supplement companies that are progressive in studying pure, greatly-potentiated herbal extracts and food substrates, having a real effect on insulin, testosterone, progesterone, progestin, prolactin, cholesterol, estrogen and cortisol, are way, way ahead of the game.

One of the first anabolic blends in the game, which now many people are finding out about is Supremacy. The key to all of this is the strength and potency of the extract used in the products, with herbal bases. It also must start with a base and that is Cissus Quadrangularis. Cissus is very hot right now in medicine and sports, being studied for its ability to influence tensile strength and recovery in connective tissues such as ligament and cartilage, even bone matrix. In fact it was the subject of our #1 Blue Ribbon just last issue. This herbal star is being touted as a legitimate anti-catabolic agent, an agent that fights micro-trauma and increases recovery. It is a genuine muscle enhancement agent. It reduces free circulating catabolic hormones that are often elevated in the first hours of the morning or in times of stress.

Supremacy uses a conjugated form of Urtica Lignan. This complex actually unbinds bound testosterone, an inactive form that cannot work with muscle cell receptors. It makes more T
capable of binding up androgen receptors. It brings free Test inside the cell nucleus where DNA codes for more muscle. It does not cause any negative conversion of Test to Di-hydro-T (DHT) either.

The herb known as Chirantia, specifically causes more blood glucose to be utilized by all cells. The insulin-like effect drives nutrients into your muscle cells while blocking their uptake at the fat cell. It is high in something called Vitex – very high in flavanoids, this increases luteinizing hormone and this signals your testes Leydig cells to make more testosterone while suppressing prolactin secretion. Along with increasing T outputs, Supremacy modulates estrogen outputs.

One of Supremacy’s substrates, 6-Bromolane, inhibits the potent enzyme aromatase. Aromatse catalyzes a reversible conversion of Testosterone back to estrogen analogs. 6-Bromolane inhibits Aromtase so less testosterone can be converted into estrogen. Less estrogen means you will have a harder more defined look with far greater testosterone levels than before.

Supremacy contains a lot of stuff to help anabolism. Supremacy utilizes glucose, swells the cells and is anti-catabolic directly and anabolic indirectly!

You would use it to knock back estrogen and build testosterone. Add it in cycle with a higher protein bulking nutritive program and heavy training to slice off fat slowly and add muscle faster. It has our Planet stamp of approval, and you get a month supply and use it as recommended by the manufacturer.



Your series by Dr. Paul Ward on training science, has been outstanding. But, his last installment left me befuddled. I am training my 14-year old boy to become a pro in football. I always read what the world’s strongest bodybuilders do. I always assist him through his weak points of his squats, at the bottom, forcing his reps there because if I help his reps where he is weakest, he can use a lot more weight, moving more weight through the rest of the motion. Is Dr. Paul saying I should not be assisting, or forcing all his reps, at the weak point?

Befuddled? Well we can’t have that!

First, the vast majority of the world’s ‘strongest’ bodybuilders train with the recovery assistance of steroids. Presumably you do not have your 14 year old on steroids? For the record, over 40 years I have never seen any natural training bodybuilder actually gaining any muscle, using forced reps. Frankly, it’s usually the skinniest guys in the gym, all over-training with forced reps. Dorian Yates they ain’t, although the spotter keeps getting bigger. So, the answer is yes, that’s exactly what Paul is saying. Your body has evolved to exert force, velocity and acceleration, proportional at any point in the joint range of motion, to the changing variable moment arms, the insertional muscle attachment moment arm and the length of the external resistance arm. This is one reason why using free weights is better for athletes, than are machines, due to the nature of the variable resistance arm and the ability to accelerate or decelerate the limb(s) with the weight, exactly where the body is able to do so. While you may be able to load more weight in other areas of the range, this may not be advised, since the muscle is not generating higher tension in those areas, it merely is operating “stronger” because of better bone leverarm leverage.

In other words, for athletes, one should not load the body where it is not capable of generating proportional muscle tensile contractile force. As an example, what happens if a shotputter who throws the 12-pound shot, does the whole glide with the 16-pound shot for some time, and comes back to the 12-pound? Does he throw farther? Usually, in fact, less. Shot putters may use a heavier shot in the plant position as a training exercise, but not much in the whole glide because athletic motion is synergist and specific. It might be all right for a pro, steroid-enhanced bodybuilder, to do some careful forced reps, as they are not trying to acquire power, skill or speed. Likewise, an experienced powerlifter may use chains to experiment with his bench press and squat, (knowing what they are doing) and again, many use steroids. Developing 14 year olds, should not be doing forced (or even assisted reps), certainly where leverage is poorest. They should be doing all their reps to positive failure with the bar not being touched and they should accelerate and decelerate through the range as their body and developing structure so allows them to! Non-steroid users, doing forced reps, negative reps, etc. are one of the reasons so many of them get over-trained and quit. That is the gist of what Paul is saying. But, as well, technically, forced reps are where a lifter gets all his reps, (say 7 on a heavy set of benches), and then the spotters lift the bar through the range of motion with enough effect that said lifter forces out another 2-4 reps.

There are very few builders who can do this and not get over-trained, even if they are on steroids. At the end of a set your muscles fail for good purposes. They no longer can offload oxygen from the hemoglobin/myoglobin molecule, pH is too low and energy substrates are used up and the muscle can no longer clear and convert lactate back to glucose, and no longer can synthesize enough ATP fast enough from ADP and free phosphate. So, the muscle is telling you rest now and recover. If you start overloading and forcing reps then, this really taxes the nervous system and overall recovery. Forcing reps is quite a bit different than touching the bar slightly, to get the last rep out. Squats may be particularly onerous, if you get him through the poorest leverage point, just so he can use much more weight where his leverage is better, especially at 14. Keep in mind your muscles are always strongest at the sticking point, precisely because that’s where the external resistance arm is the longest and where more force is required.

Don’t ask for injury ….. or you’ll get it!


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