Planet Muscle Magazine is a unique, interesting, historical, entertaining, jocular, cutting edge and up-to-date, with useful, practical and honest information. I hope you like my approach and will support me! After all, it's your planet and your muscle!
Jeff, can you get me a deal on House Of Pain T-shirts?Sure, as long as you send me the money! By the way the new 2007 House Of Pain catalog is out, and it has something totally new on the cover. Guess what, so does PlanetM. House Of Pain has had all kinds of babes in various HOP gear on their catalog covers over the years, and they all looked great! But there is something way different about this year's House Of Pain cover-girl! (Be the first kid on your block to find out what's new.)
And if you go to the Arnold Classic, visit House Of Pain in the Main Expo Hall, in the WPO Power Room, in the MMA/NHB Fighting area - wherever you want! Get a new clear H.O.P. SportBottle free with $50 purchase (while they last)! Tell them Everson sent you,
I have seen advertisements for the new book about Ben and Joe Weider called Brothers of Iron. The book advertisement states that the Weider’s created the fitness revolution. Would you agree?
Yes and no. I interviewed for the book you mention and provided author Mike Steere, several old Weider magazines to help get the project moving as some of us started worrying the Weider’s might expire before the book deal points expired. Mike was determined, dogmatic and dedicated. Yes, 100% -- Ben and Joe are Bro’s of Iron. They could qualify as a literal definition of true-blue brothers. Rare it is where any two brothers have as much love, support, and respect for each other. These Weider traits are to be much admired. My guess is that neither Ben nor Joe would argue they created a fitness revolution. Is there even such a thing?
Relative to all population bases, (anywhere in the world), less and less percent of people exercise, and in ‘civilized’ societies, more people are getting fatter and many obese, (especially in the USA). Some revolution! Even today, a vast majority of physicians do not actively understand bodybuilding. Once more, almost all certified trainers eschew so-called muscle magazines and the Certified Strength and Conditioning Coaches Group, won’t even use the word bodybuilding, using the term resistance training, instead. What the Weider’s did do extremely well was to develop, and promote, competitive physique competition and the training of the pros involved in the IFBB. Unfortunately, enormous steroid use unavoidably came along with this physique movement. That is a shame really, as the Weider’s labored to get competitive pro physique competition upgraded, honorably, out of the hands of the AAU. From the 60’s to 2000, the Weider’s used M&F and FLEX to promote physique. They also promoted the associated stars, and along the way, their food supplements. But, if their iron supplements aren’t that popular today, there is plenty of iron irony. Do the Weider’s end with a polluted legacy, reigning over a polluted sport, one so bad that the international Olympic Committee won’t even blink an eye at it, one so bad, that some media refer to the hard-training dedicated women, as she-he's, one so uncared about, that while the media hounds Barry Bonds for possible steroids, they could care less if Mr. Universe’s nephrons are in a Kamikaze kidney crash. It is no secret, that effectively 100% of the pros are practicing felons, where Winstrol is our Wheaties breakfast of champions. The Weider’s strongest legacy is physique competition. That is both good and bad. Yes, Joe and Ben are Brothers of Iron, but bodybuilding as fitness revolution?
That’s a long shot (no needle pun intended!)
Hello -- I just read the question in your Nov-Dec issue of PM, on page 41. Part of your answer was, "I assume we will de-butt as we grow.” Jeff, please don’t let this happen to your magazine. It is one of the things that puts Planet M apart. The others are all the same old, same-old, people, workouts, and ads. You also use lot of humor with these pictures, a lot of the time, so it does not really have a sexual orientation. The others, I can pick up any of the magazines and all the workouts are basically the same. The difference with PM is that you are real. Your articles, stories, and answers to questions are what make you different. Most of the other mags have let the fitness girls become such a small part of the magazine that they are hardly even there. I don't understand this. Fit women are one (or most) of the biggest motivators men have to be fit themselves. As far as going into Wal-Mart; I know they sell Maxim, FHM and stuff, and several other magazines, so I don't see any major difference.
Thanks for listening.Does Wal-Mart sell Hustler yet? (I think they just excommunicated Maxim). Well, I agree with you of course, and many muscle magazines had to “de-butt” because it was presented in a purely sexual, lewd way. You see though, as one person complains, there may be 10 who may like what they see and don’t send letters. Usually complainers send letters everywhere, by 10 to one! The argument is that the magazines may be purchased by a parent, for someone under 18, under the rubric of “learning bodybuilding” and they do not expect to see anything considered pseudo-sexual. Of course, back home, as little Johnny pumps up his arms to his 15 inches he may be getting other parts congested, by watching every variant of sex known to mankind, on his computer.
Remember, Adam and Eve started out naked in the Garden, natural, as the Creator intended, but imagine if we showed a guy in a thong! It isn’t any retailer’s fault. Most do not see the body as muscular machines, where the gluteus maximus is the strongest muscle in the body. We do. Retail stores and people should be more concerned with all the known steroid users on covers and in the inside, as aren’t these drugs against the law? Women in bikinis are not. In fact, if you wanted to worship in a thong, God will accept your prayers. Gluteals are naturally, God-given. I know I am a doomed, but when you gander upon the globular globes of glory of Samantha Spangrud and Ava Cowan, don’t you see something altogether spiritual, in such wondrous, athletic rotundity?