Planet Muscle
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Tuesday, March 28, 2006
I’m stacking Viraloid and 17-HD. How much will this raise my testosterone? Will I get bigger and stronger? How does it work? Will it be, at all, toxic to my liver and should I have my blood tested?This is a strong combination that will raise your testosterone anywhere from 30% - 300%, when cycled over 6 months. This is a very wide deviation because some people are extremely low testosterone to start with and they will have the greatest percent increase. On the other hand, some guys, like world’s strongest man, Mariuz Pudzianowski, are off the charts. They already have an unfair advantage over you and me. As far as getting bigger and stronger, increased testosterone by itself, will indeed give you some minor increase in weight and muscle, assuming you are eating enough protein. However, the main advantage of higher testosterone is a greater response in mass and strength from intense weight training! Higher ‘T’ levels (see Dr. Delgado’s article on ‘T’ in the MAY 2006 issue of Planet Muscle magazine) will also increase your sex drive and energy.
Both of these products involve an innovative refinement and extraction process that potentiates the natural testosterone-raising ability of puncture vine and varying diogensins and other herbal elements found in nature. This is important because these are not pharmaceutical compounds where there is methylization or alkylization at the 17th hydrogen-carbon position, in the testosterone molecule. This means neither can be toxic to your liver! Oral anabolic steroids do have this 17th position modification. Chemists do this to make it absorbed, but while that makes oral steroids possible, it also makes them toxic. Blood testing is a good idea if you include a check for your testosterone which costs an extra $100. This will tell you how much your level has improved. If you are working out hard, a blood test may be perverted, in the sense that there is some natural elevation of your liver enzymes due to microscopic damage to the muscle cells.
My doctor has me on Vicoden-ES for low back pain. I’ve been on it now for 6 months. I think I’m addicted. I read that you are in a lot of pain because of injuries. Do you know how can I get off Vicoden?This is true and my main injury is mental infirmity. Vicoden-ES is a trade name with 7.5mg. hydrocodone and 750 mg. acetaminophen. It is strong and potentially addictive. But if you are taking it for pain then technically you are dependant, not addicted. Interestingly, some doctors are treating addiction, trying to replace the pleasant energy buzz that Vicoden-ES can produce (although many initial users just get sleepy) with energy supplements, like Diesel Fuel. Diesel Fuel, in particular, is used a lot because it is so loaded with so many exceptional energy-producing agents. Once more, it is very high-dosed, but also chemically balanced. The idea is to slowly, overtime, replace dosage of Vicoden-ES with a capsule of Diesel Fuel. You wean yourself off over a 4 -10 week period. See the ad in this issue for Chuck Curry’s Diesel Fuel. The guy makes great stuff!
Jeff, I have been using the supplement Meta-CEL, made by the iSatori company. I like it. They have a new one called CE-XL and I am considering the switch, but what is your opinion of both of these, if you are familiar with each of them? Is one better than the other?This seems to be the creatine “confusion” issue! We have 3 articles on varying forms of creatine in this issue. I do not believe that iSatori makes any weak products. In fact, they are a different type of company than most, in that they do not make a lot of products, but the ones they do make, they take a bit of a different science approach, high end, I call it, and they are a meticulous, but motivational company. The push for a lot of tested, proven efficacy. Most companies do not test utilizing, blind and double blind, peer reviewed protocols, but, it really is the wave of our future!
Both of these are creatine products. In Meta-CEL they use a unique sugar that is very balanced glycemically, called D-pinitol. This has been shown to enhance both absorption and retention of creatine. Again, this has been unusually subjected to clinical and blind research (at Baylor University). In the study, subjects showed a 1-Repetition maximum increase of 6.6% (this was measured by peak torque, a measure of power). The Meta-CEL group gained 6.6%, as compared to placebo control. This was a blind study. The Meta-CEL subject group also gained in lean body mass, 1.67% versus .04% for the placebo group.
These numbers may sound small, but in true gains of actual fat-free-water-assayed lean tissue, usually done with underwater hydrostatic methods, this is 'of high significance.' Meta-CEL gets very positive feedback in our industry. All numbers are available and right now, in the United Kingdom, Meta-CEL is the number one selling creatine supplement. The study entitled “Effects of Meta-CEL™ Supplementation on Whole Body Creatine Retention and Training Adaptations” was presented at the National Strength Coaches Association conference. iSatori is really at the epicenter of performance science. Their new CE-XL is based on creatine ethyl ester. Creatine ethyl ester (CEE) is creatine monohydrate with an ester attached. Esters are organic compounds that are a reaction of carboxylic acid and alcohols. Creatine monohydrate is effective at increasing lean body mass, strength, and athletic/anaerobic performance. There are studies showing that esterfied creatine exerts positive effects beyond regular creatine monohydrate. Once more, it does so, at much lower dosages. There is no “loading” or “cycling” required. And at least, anecdotally, there appears to be two other important benefits. First, CEE appears to work relatively well for most creatine “non-responders” (40-60% who do not respond to creatine monohydrate), and there doesn’t appear to be any extra-cellular water retention with CEE, which causes the infamous “creatine bloat.”
CE-XL is iSatori’s next generation creatine supplement, which builds on the strength of Meta-CEL. If you like Meta-CEL, you should certainly like CE-XL. They call this, Meta-CEL with “updated turbochargers”. Reports are that it is stronger (and CE-XL tastes better). Planet is not bending your arm and if you like Meta and get growth and power from it, why not keep using it? However, science races along. Creatine supplementation, for muscular size, strength, and hardness—is always changing. Check out the iSatori company ads within this issue and read about H+Blocker, another of their more radical products. For more on CE-XL visit
Jeff, two lifters in my local GNC were arguing about creatine and one guy had the book called, Industry Insider Secrets Revealed. Where is this available? I find creatine confusing. Do you agree that there are any differences among all the types of creatine?Yes I do agree (*see below). The creatine world is confusing. There are a few types of creatine, but the micronized and effervescent forms, you do not see as often any more, and liquid or gel creatine forms, have never connected much with users. The most popular are: creatine monohydrate powder, monohydrate powder with phosphates added, ester-altered forms of creatine and Kre-alkalyn. There are at least 4-5 variant forms advertising just in PLANET alone. The book you refer too deals with Kre-alkalyn and they advertise. Every word I hear on the street suggests there are significant differences. To their credit, EFX (the company that owns Kre-Alkalyn) says that all the varying creatine changes or updates, hardly negates the strength of original wellmanufactured creatine monohydrate. They maintain Kre-Alkalyn is not changing creatine monohydrate’s nature at all, only altering the pH or acid-base. Their patents cover creatine in a wide range of pH, to make creatine more stable and absorbed better. The book and science are discussed by Brian Andrews. (Brian has an article in this issue on creatine and Kre-Alkalyn, in detail). A bodybuilder, Jeff Golini (and evidently a very intelligent guy), in Billings, Montana, developed KRE. I have never met Jeff (and I was only in Billings once, in 1972, competing in a National Collegiate Track Championships).
Jeff developed the unique approach and science to increasing the stability in the gut that is creatine as Kre-Alkalyn. You know, the creatine fraternity has debated for years that creatine monohydrate is not absorbed very well due to the acidity of the gut. This is one reason there have been so many allusions to discussions of cramps, nausea, gas and so-called non responders. The argument is that too much regular creatine is converted to creatinine (again, because of its fragility or instability in acid environments or fluid), and when mixed in fluid and stored for any appreciable time, creatine converts and is rendered useless. But, over-simplified, Golini developed a way to negate the gut’s pH and allow KRE to operate in a higher pH so more is readily absorbed. Technically it is patented as Kre-Alkayln EFX. Jeff had started his company, All-American Nutrition many years ago, long before MuscleTech, EAS and BSN, and he now spearheads All-American Pharmaceutical, the manufacturer of Kre-Alkalyn-EFX creatine. He is the inventor and patent holder. From what I understand, the two guys who helped him market Kre-Alkalyn initially, acquired his brand division (Brian is one). They renamed it All-American EFX. So it is both an old and a new company but the star is KRE! The book you mention is quite informative. So much has been written about creatine, it could fill 40 phonebooks! Brian Andrews addresses all the issues about creatine. He lays out what he calls -- the 12 facts about creatine-based products and describes how and why the blending of two or more varying compounds, may not necessarily change the dynamics or basics of creatine. His company also does a lot of interesting testing and drug screening work, which makes them a needed leader as this will really be a mushrooming area in supplements. At any rate, some of the book is more or less controversial, but informative, interesting and engaging. *If you go to their website ( you’ll see Creatine: Industry Insider Secrets Revealed there. It’s available as a FREE download.
Jeff, many thanks for the story on Steve Gelbond and his amazing transformation in the April 2005 Planet Muscle, (Mediocrity to Muscle). What were Steve’s secrets, his carb sources and the nutritional tips that benefited most? He is truly an inspiration.We asked the fat loss guru and he responded, “Thanks, I'm writing a follow up story as success is the mental processes that occur in everyone attempting great transformation: These are the Four D’s -- Desire, Decision,Determination, and Discipline, specifically, in that order. Success requires extreme mental application to maximize training intensity and goals. Years ago, everyone trained body parts too frequently. All you need to really know is keep the intensity high, allow lots of time for rest, before you hit that muscle again; about 7 – 10 days. This is what you need to recover from brutal, gut-busting workouts that you must do. For me, to get totally shredded without losing muscle, I had to be on a very high protein (over 500-grams per day), medium carb (about 350-grams), and low fat (about 50-grams). I used primarily natural grain based carbs such as brown rice and oats. I think whole wheat is awesome, if you’re not allergic and it is the best natural source of glutamine in the world! I eat a ton of whole wheat products (bread, tortillas, and cereal). The issue of steroids? I have consistently observed guys who used to cycle, then stopped for years, and who developed premature low testosterone levels, usually in their 30’s. If that is the case you will need hormone replacement therapy, no ifs, ands, or buts. You may need GH and possibly thyroid. You can get all these legally, from a physician or with some risk, you can snub our arcane laws about them and save yourself a bunch of money and get them elsewhere, after having your levels checked. Don’t believe the bullshit ads about boosting your hormone levels naturally. If you are going to take drugs to help your body then I believe you should take the ones that we know the most about and have standardized their pharmacological dosing. Don’t feel bad about taking hormones, barring predisposed cancer or heart conditions (excluding chronic, high dosage use of oral androgen steroids), hormone replacement therapy may improve your vigor, health, and well-being and it might make you live longer, indirectly as a result of the immediate benefits. Most of us wouldn’t even have made it to be this old if it had not been for medical intervention at some point in our lives (usually antibiotics).Regardless of how feel about it, you cannot make great progress in bodybuilding without physiologically normal levels of testosterone, growth hormone, and thyroid. Finally, you better have your life stable and low stress or you can forget about making good bodybuilding gains. I have added more muscle and I will get the story up and send in some pictures that will be just as impressive as my first before and after ones that appeared in the article. This time around it’s about putting on mass! For gaining, you don’t need nearly as much protein as when cutting. I eat lots of carbs and fats, which are protein sparing naturally. I eat about 250 grams of protein per day when my calories are high and I have made great gains. I am meticulous about timing of the protein and the quality … you know take in a bunch of protein rich in branched chain aminos, glutamine, and arginine before you train (don’t worry, you will still be absorbing it when you finish your training). Get up in the middle of the night and take in something with both micellar casein and whey and then just eat a lot of good foods in the day without trying to force feed your body with overloads of protein.
There seems to be an enormous amount of exclamatory ads in bodybuilding, all shouting, nauseatingly, at the top of their obnoxious lungs. Every damn ad promises to slam 50 pounds of muscle on you in 2 weeks. Everybody yells in print over everybody else. It’s kind ofridiculous Jeff, and your magazine, really, is not too much better, although no one beats the women you have in Planet Muscle, that’s for sure! But, it's hard (no pun intended) to tell product wheat from chaff in the advertising. By the way, you must have balls to write what you do about the IFBB. Does BSN make as good of products as their ads imply?
Big balls? I started using steroids at age 27. While I benched close to 600-pounds, my testicles left me before I got to 500-pounds.
Ronnie Coleman certainly keeps getting bigger and bigger on BSN stuff so they have got to be doing something right. BSN is doing a bigger promotional campaign (with Ronnie), than Weider ever did, with anybody. BSN is the big ofthe big. They own hardcore and it’s where hardcore guys buy. They advertise in all the magazines a lot, but they have risen incredibly fast,not because they throw money around. There are plenty of companies that do that and are in stagnation or decline, for varying reasons.
BSN seems to me, to have a definite edge in product quality, but even that is not it. I mean DYA, SST, Beverly and Brandenburg are regarded as top of the line in quality. But, to grow large, fast, you need an aggressive model, but with effective and targeted marketing. More important, you need critical vision on what to do and what to become. BSN is very much in touch, very fast, faster than anybody else in fact, with what lifters and athletes demand product-wise. They really have led the way with nitric oxide technology. BSN has several parties who have this vision and intelligence. Rob Thoburn is there now and Rob has worked in the industry for most of the big companies over the years, including MuscleTech and MET-Rx. He told me