Planet Muscle Magazine is a unique, interesting, historical, entertaining, jocular, cutting edge and up-to-date, with useful, practical and honest information. I hope you like my approach and will support me! After all, it's your planet and your muscle!
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Planet Muscle Magazine has been around for years now. Planet Muscle has only launched to the newsstand in late 2002, but has already set records for growth. Planet Muscle will endeavor to disseminate the truth; reliable, accurate training and supplement information, as well as quality editorial, without pulling punches. My own opinion is that our magazine news stand market is saturated and that all the magazines have too much of a specific agenda and unyielding approach.
I won't compete with the big boys, having somewhat of a different forum, but I will be unique, interesting, historical, entertaining, jocular, cutting edge and up-to-date, with useful, practical and honest information. I hope you like my approach and will support me! After all, it's your planet and your muscle!
Jeff Everson - PublisherSUBSCRIBE TODAY!
Jeff, who’s the gorgeous model in the Goliath Lab’s ad in Planet Muscle. What is this
product for? Isn’t the male ejaculate a priority for one thing, conception?
Gina Ostarly is the model and speaking of conception, she is a mother of 3! She’s
over 40, definitely a babe and a half.

This product certainly has a name that defines itself. It’s a sex enhancer that has already received a top honors award in a national independent association that rates natural sexual products without a prescription. It volumizes the seminal fluid, and actually increases both sperm count and motility so indeed it does increase fertility. This also enhances libido and aids in erectile function. This is due to it’s Maca Root Extract (Goat weed), Triblus Terrestris (puncture vine), Epimedium, Sagittatum (Goat weed), Yohimbe Bark (medically accepted to improve impotency through enhanced blood flow), Long Jack (an herb first studied in SE Asia that improves libido), GABA (a neuro-transmitter) and Cnidium Monnier.
Stacked with Tribuloid, it really ramps up sexual potency and virilty.
Guys -- perhaps the company is aptly named 'Goliath.'
I read on a website that the IDS Company has developed a liquid whey. I use whey powder, and this sounds good. Are there advantages? How do I know if this, or any protein, is good and hits the mark?Yes, IDS has produced a hydrolyzed protein blend called
New Whey Liquid Protein. I’ve already tried it! Because of its molecular structure, New Whey is very dense (like me). It is 25 grams (version 2 will have over 40 grams of
protein) and it is already mixed in 3 ounces of water and has a limited viscosity or thickness.
Most proteins at this concentration, are like solid masses. IDS has added more protein without the thickness normally associated with whey powders. New Whey is heat stable. IDS notes, "It is natural, hypoallergenic, acid and alkaline stable, and complete with all 8 essential amino acids." New Whey will raise metabolic rate over time, for more calorie burning. It has a neutral taste and aroma. This special grade of proteins - hydrolyzed proteins - is used in a very small percentage of products because of its high cost to manufacture. It is easy on the stomach, easy to digest and assimilate. Hydrolyzed proteins are derived from complete proteins through an enzymatic process of breaking down the protein into smaller constituents called peptides. The process divides the long protein molecules into shorter molecules called peptides.
Generally, the smaller the peptide, the easier it is to digest and absorb. Hydrolyzed proteins are popular as compared to standard proteins, because they are less susceptible to denaturing. As to knowing if any protein or supplement works or is good, the ingredients list found on the back or side panel of every commercially available food product, is your best starting point. This tells you the ingredients
that make up the product, sorted in order from most abundant to least abundant. It does not show the actual quantity of each ingredient.
Manufacturers may use whey, soy, caseinate and other protein types to fortify their products with protein. And within each of these protein types are further refinements called ‘protein grades’ such as whey concentrate, whey isolate and whey hydrolysate. Though the specific type and grade of protein used in a product is not captured on the Nutrition Facts or Supplement Facts panel of a product, it is an important distinction.
The type and grade of protein determines how well the body will digest and assimilate it. Certain proteins such as whey isolate are readily digested after physical activities. Other proteins such as caseinates are ideal for sustained energy and anti-catabolism. Planet Muscle readers should understand that it is not enough to simply understand how much protein is there, you should be aware of the source and quality of the protein, as well.
IDS has produced a winner, in my opinion.
I read your article in the latest issue of Planet Muscle and I could not wait until I could get to the gym to try out Your Mega-set routine. WOW!!! Burn to the bone is about right. I loved it. I have never seen a routine like this before. It hit me that this routine could be used in a cutting phase. It was intense. It burned to the bone. I’m 50, could I use it to get under 7% body fat? How much cardio should I do?Author
Preston Rendell replies: I would do cardio 3 times a week, no more than 45 minutes each session. Getting to 7% bodyfat has to do with gradually reducing your carbs. If you overdue your cardio you will lower you testosterone level and you will lose muscle.
Cutting up is all about lowering carbs and insulin balance. Watch out for anything with high sodium in it, as it will smooth you out by holding water. You will get all the sodium you need that occurs naturally in food. You can get bigger and stronger, even at you age. Don't over train and don't over diet. Keep your protein intake about 1 gram of protein per pound of desired bodyweight.
Good luck and keep burning to the bone!