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Friday, June 19, 2009


SETS & REPS: Microtears

Q: I was doing skull crushers and screwed up my right elbow. The MD said he thinks I have micro tears on the tendon, but he did not do an MRI. It's killing me, pain up my arm and shoulder. My rotators are not great either and hurt. Every morning I wake up and my elbow is in pain. What kind of workout can I do? (Plus, I am just getting over the flu and sinus infection).

A: That’s a double whammy! Listen to your Doc Bro. Elbow injuries are common. Take some time off and use ice and take aspirin with meals (if you can take aspirin, otherwise Motrin or Aleve) for 5 days and use moist heat frequently over the 5 days. Don’t work your triceps for 10-14 days and when you do come back, do only strict and slow triceps kickbacks with dumbbells at 15-20 reps. Here, there is less ‘pressure’ on the elbow joint (as it is a non-weight bearing exercise). Avoid dips, triceps pushdowns and all pullover or extension-type movements. Skull crushers are rough as one has to eccentrically slow the bone, and due to the outward elbow angle, there is more pressure on the triceps tendon, especially if tendonitis is brewing. If the pain persists past 14 days or so of rest and therapy, return for a reevaluation. The MD may do an MRI and/or prescribe a bout of stronger anti-inflammation agents or even try an anti - inflammation injection.

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