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Planet Muscle

Planet Muscle Magazine is a unique, interesting, historical, entertaining, jocular, cutting edge and up-to-date, with useful, practical and honest information. I hope you like my approach and will support me! After all, it's your planet and your muscle!


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Tuesday, January 01, 2008



Q: I've been reading your mag for three years now and I also read a couple others and yours by far is the best one. What do I say to the people who are constantly trying to cut me down because I’m not the same because I eat so many times (5-6) in the day? One foreman even tried to take my breaks away, just because he knows I want to eat every 3 hrs. I can stand it for a while, but after months of this it’s getting frustrating. Any words of advice, besides getting a new job? Anyway, keep up the great work at the mag.

A: Tell your foreman that people who eat frequently, but eat less each time, but eat all nutrient-rich foods, not only work harder and better, but also live longer! You are unique as a bodybuilder, so you do need all that unique food. If he doesn’t agree, well, soon enough, just like Charles Atlas, where a bully kicked sand in his face and stole his girl, after he started bodybuilding with Dynamic Tension, young Charles, just 1 year later, came back to the beach and punched the bully’s lights out (and took his babe back), you’ll do the same to Mr. Foreman!

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