O F F I C I A L . W E B L O G |
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Do each exercise as a superset - Do at least 40 reps of each within 20 minutes using a slow, controlled speed of movement to maximize muscle recruitment.
One major secret to maximum fitness, both cardio and skeletal muscle is to cut training time, to cut bodyfat! While hundreds of articles are written each day ---- all addressing/discussing how to add weight and vary reps, sets, (leaps & bounds etc), how many address the critical issue of doing the same or more work, in less time? This is also a very important progression!
I call this “training density.” It’s the real forgotten factor of how to improve muscle growth and fat loss over time. Heightened TD (training density) causes an anabolic hormonal “explosion” with higher levels of blood testosterone and growth hormones.
Keep in mind that decreasing rest (progressively) increases the production of lactic acid. This lactate and increased free hydrogen ion, lowers blood and tissue pH and is mostly responsible for that “burn” that nature so happily provided us to remind us of what hard high intensity anaerobic oxygen debt work, truly feels like!
It’s important to note, that this hard exercise manifestation,is really a powerful precursor to growth hormonerelease. Naturally-released HGH is a pretty potentfat-burning hormone. Here is another variation to burnoff that fat!
I call it RRFL (Rapid Rip Fat-Loss) Training.
Try to cut you rest periods by 10 seconds each week without reducing weight. For you muscle hungry animals – try the first SB training routine above in the morning and this rapid rip routine in the late afternoon.
Q) Dr. Serrano I am seeking a 6-pack set of abs. BUT-- after 3 years of trying I can not make it happen. I want to hear your advice cold -- what do you suggest?
A) Training and nutrition must be re-considered! Tothe surprise of many, diet is much more important than previously understood.
“There is much more to fat loss and muscle gained than may be predicted from the overly-simplified energy equation of: Calories in vs. Calories out. Try eating 2,000 calories of potato chips or 2000 calories of balanced proteins, fats and low glycemic carbs andsee what happens, short term and over 30 days! In fact, hormones run our show and according to 15 years of hard research and great patient results, I can tell you for sure, that the same plan does not work for everyone.” Eric Serrano M.D.
However, those who can naturally manipulate their hormones with diet, supplementation and exercise are successful 100% of the time. That’s right.
The SB training is awesome. I do it myself when work piles up as I am limited on time. It makes my mind sharp and I stay in great shape. The SB abdominal routines are awesome and we have posted a video oninfinityfitness.com. Do it once per week and you will have a great six pack quickly assuming you are able to achieve a low body fat.
The most critical elements are determining how your hormones and metabolism react to certain food sources, timing and combinations.
Eric notes, “I always conduct that experiment with each patient. At seminars, I am always asked about calories to consume, macronutrients, carbs vs. fats, carb cycling and more. Indeed, all of these factors need to be ironed out, based on individual needs. Once more, changing certain factors (at the right time) is also critical to ongoing success!”
Scott notes, “Eric is 100% right and as a trainer dealing in more customized and personalizes approaches to altering body constituencies, I do this by communicated with clients regularly. The customized plans do work.
Remember, your DNA is unique and individual traits play a vital role in program design including age, gender, genetic background, stress levels, prior nutrition habits and so much more. For example, should a person who works all day doing manual labor eat the same amount as someone behind a desk, even if they weigh the same and have similar goals? Nada. Small refinements can be the difference between slow progress and staggering fat loss. Explaining the methods would takeup too much space, but needless to say you better find help from an expert if you are looking for both rapid and permanent results.
“I was skeptical of nutrition changes Scott suggested, but I could not argue with the results! His programs were easy to follow. I was never hungry. My net loss was 6% body fat (about 9 lbs. of fat), in just 2 months.I am now very lean!” Jennifer M. – Yuma, AZ
Insulin is a fat storage hormone, Cortisol activates fat accumulation receptors supporting fat deposition (and specifically on the mid-section for men and upper legs for women).
The typical American Diet combined with growing rates of stress is a recipe for physique disaster. A powerful method for attacking mid section fat is again, our combination of Alpha Omega and Fat Reduce.
Alpha Omega is a filtrated essential fat supplement unmatched for purity and effectiveness. It contains several ingredients in specific ratios, known for combating both elevated insulin and cortisol.
Eric adds, “I engineered Alpha Omega and Fat Reduce based on many years of blood work. I established clear markers that resulted in massive fat loss. Establishing what needed to be done was the easy part! Three years later, Fat Reduce was born! 30 patients participated in a trial and used Fat Reduce without any changes in diet or exercise over a 1 month period. They lost fat weight because the average metabolic increase was over 400 calories per day. My attitude has always been to make the most effective supplements possible and using science and patient trials. I back the effectiveness of 100% MR, Muscle Synthesis, Alpha Omega and Fat Reduce. I’ve seen them work over and over again for several years.”
“I take the fitness mission of every client as a personal challenge. I must help them win. I provide the customized tools necessary to get their job done. With Dr. Serrano, our powerful combination of exercise, dietary expertise, supplement strength AND dedication is unmatched.
Call me today to get on your road to your success!”- Scott Mendelson**
Call (614) 868-7521 and get the full version of our Rapid Rip training program, with any purchase of over $97 on or before 2/15/2008.
Copyright (all rights reserved) Infinity Fitness Inc. 2007. These statements and products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Fat Reduce, Alpha Omega, Amino Loading, 100% MR and MuscleSynthesis are trademarks of Infinity Fitness Inc. Weight loss and muscle gain are affected by many factors and you may not lose weight or gain muscle.
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