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Perhaps bodybuilding’s hottest new supplement for power, mass, lean ripped size and hardness, is the IDS innovative hydrolyzed liquid whey protein shots. There are some guys taking up to 10 of these new-whey liquid protein shots every day, each with 42 grams a serving (one guy, Noah Steere, happens to be almost 6’7” and 335 pounds and featured in this Planet Muscle)!
IDS made this product with a unique dense molecular structure, 42 grams of the best protein (anabolic nitrogen index) in existence. It is already pre-mixed into 3 ounces of water yet has a limited viscosity or thickness so is drinkable, does not have to be refrigerated and is perfect for before, during or right after your workout. Remember too, whey is generally ideal, taken post-workout or frequently, due to its faster absorption and high anabolism. Thus, this product is
also perfect for those who travel (warriors of the road) or those who may need to get more maximum protein meals or snacks over a 24 hour period.
IDS has successfully added more high protein than any other Co. ever has in such a convenient format, yet without any of the “goop, clumping or thickness” so normally associated with mixing whey powders. The IDS new whey is heat stable with no sugar and no fat.
IDS head, Nick Worrell notes, "Our liquid whey shots are all-natural, hypoallergenic, both acid and alkaline stable, and complete with all the essential amino acids and all the stuff whey complex contains. Whey will raise your metabolic rate over time, for more calorie burning and fat loss too.”
He goes on, “This great protein has a neutral taste and aroma. This special grade of proteins - hydrolyzed proteins - is used in a very small percentage of products commercially, because of its high cost to manufacture, but it is easy on the stomach, easy to digest and assimilate.”
Note: Hydrolyzed proteins are derived from complete proteins through an enzymatic process of cleaving down the protein into smaller constituents called peptides. The process divides the long protein molecules into shorter molecules called peptides. Generally, for bodybuilders, the smaller the peptide, and the easier they are to digest and absorb.
Nick adds, “Hydrolyzed proteins are popular as compared to standard proteins, because they are less susceptible to denaturing. Manufacturers may use whey, soy, caseinate and other protein types to fortify their products with protein and of course, within each of these protein types are further refinements called ‘protein grades’ such as whey concentrate, whey isolate and whey hydrolysate. Though the specific type and grade of protein used in a product is not captured on the facts panel of a product, it is an important distinction and rest assured, this protein is absolutely the most powerful out there! In fact, IDS challenges anyone to prove otherwise!”
Nick continues enthusiastically, “Remember, the type and grade of protein determines how well the body will digest and assimilate it. Certain proteins such as whey isolate are readily digested after physical activities. Other proteins such as caseinates are used more often with infant nutrition or for sustained energy and anti-catabolism.”
IDS scientists have noted, “It is not enough to simply understand how much protein is there, you must be aware of the source and quality of the protein.
Again ours is of special low viscosity, low-foaming, heat stable, palatable and complete protein material. It should be considered an ultimate protein supplement with great taste, no need for refrigeration and virtually unbreakable packaging and it is absolutely perfect for those where ease and convenience count.”
Nick concludes, “IDS New liquid whey is manufactured with three proteins, all 100% bio available and complete proteins, all the essential amino acids. New Whey Liquid Protein is more bio-available than regular whey whether it is isolated or concentrated because of the speed that whey passes through the stomach and small intestines. This high speed absorption of most whey drinks causes a significant amount of mal-absorption. Additional mal-absorption from existing whey drinks and bars is the result of the denatured protein molecules they contain. This commonly results from pasteurizing or baking protein during their manufacturing process. This denatured protein can be much more difficult to absorb than non-denatured protein. Ours is made completely with peptides and not denatured in any way. We know it is the BEST out there!”
For more information or to order please call us at 1-888-795-0444. Visit us at