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Thursday, October 19, 2006



How does anyone ever learn which proteins work best? What about Strategic Protein, made by the Doctor Bradburg. How is one ever supposed to know which one is best to build muscle or to use to get leaner?

You mean Rob Brandenburg not Bradburg and he is studying now in medical school, to be a physician. You learn what works best my friend, by trying products with an open mind and what works for you is the important bottom line!

Quality proteins are still by far, the most important element, in conjunction with correct training to build strength and lean muscle size. I lean to the casein and caseinate camp, more so than to the whey camp but that is only because the reality of most trainees situation, is that they use a protein supplement 1-2 times a day, one of which times is before bed, and not every 3 hours on an empty stomach as is best with whey.

Dr. Rob Brandenburg’s Strategic Protein was pioneered with medical data, actually, the data of many researchers and MD’s working together, on engineering, research and measuring its effects. It has the highest amounts the FDA will allow of high-efficiency pristine and unadulterated nitrogen. It is like Beverly Ultimate and BSN Syntha 6 at the very top and it has both fast-acting and intermediately assimilated proteins, for 100% small intestines absorption and it features high burst activity of glutamine-peptides.

By fusing fast absorbed forms of whey with more slowly-absorbed micellar casein peptides and egg white albumin, the MD has done everybody a one up. You get the best of all protein worlds. The casomorphins and phosphopeptides in Brandenburg are a generation ahead. Strategic protein is certainly a must have, a valuable top-of-the-liner for muscle synthesis, positive nitrogen balance, power, strength and recovery. You probably know more than I do about finding it -- try averagejoesupplements.com or try the MD himself at his last ad listing we had, at 1-888-780-4115 and or www.brandenburg-nutrition.com.

Failing all that, try Russ the magician at bodybuilding.com!

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