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Planet Muscle

Planet Muscle Magazine is a unique, interesting, historical, entertaining, jocular, cutting edge and up-to-date, with useful, practical and honest information. I hope you like my approach and will support me! After all, it's your planet and your muscle!


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Thursday, October 19, 2006



Several issues ago, Planet Muscle had a very interesting article, one of your best ever, in fact, and it was so good that the bodybuilding.com site picked it up (I’m assuming with your permission), and ran it for a long time, written by Certified Trainer, Karen Jo Koumas.

It was called Buffed with Karen Jo. It was about functional, realistic ways that both men and women could lose weight, but specifically target localized excess fat that had accumulated round the upper thighs, waist, hips and glutes. It was detailed in the exercises to do, sets and reps, without having to do a lot of fancy gym stuff, diet and nutrition, meals and eating-cooking tips. Can you please include more articles of this type in the future?

Yes, we certainly intend to. Planet M has many good authors, but sometimes it’s like picking teeth to get them to write, as they usually are busy (and successful) people. Karen Jo for example, is a weekend international flight attendant and teaches several (4-5) classes during the week. We do intend to run several ongoing articles by our top fitness women (Karen Jo, Jamie Eason, Dr. Gabrielle Resnick and Ava Cowan, as examples) through 2007 and 2008. We have about 30% women readers now, but all we do is always geared for both sexes. Stay tuned, we won’t let you down.

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